BIM/CIM is an initiative to improve the efficiency and sophistication of a series of construction production and management systems by introducing 3D models from the planning, survey, and design stages, and by linking and developing 3D models in the subsequent construction and maintenance stages to facilitate information sharing among the parties involved throughout the entire project. Construction" refers to the "distribution of 3D models in the construction production process.
View More+i-construction is an initiative promoted by the Ministry of Land, Infrastructure, Transport and Tourism to utilize ICT in construction sites. i-construction refers to information and communication technology, and aims to spread information technology such as computers and networks to construction sites. construction includes new standards that are based on the use of information technology.
View More+BIM/CIM is an initiative to improve the efficiency and sophistication of a series of construction production and management systems by introducing 3D models from the planning, survey, and design stages, and by linking and developing 3D models in the subsequent construction and maintenance stages to facilitate information sharing among the parties involved throughout the entire project. Construction" refers to the "distribution of 3D models in the construction production process.
View More+BIM/CIM is an initiative to improve the efficiency and sophistication of a series of construction production and management systems by introducing 3D models from the planning, survey, and design stages, and by linking and developing 3D models in the subsequent construction and maintenance stages to facilitate information sharing among the parties involved throughout the entire project. Construction" refers to the "distribution of 3D models in the construction production process.
View More+i-construction is an initiative promoted by the Ministry of Land, Infrastructure, Transport and Tourism to utilize ICT in construction sites. i-construction refers to information and communication technology, and aims to spread information technology such as computers and networks to construction sites. construction includes new standards that are based on the use of information technology.
View More+BIM/CIM is an initiative to improve the efficiency and sophistication of a series of construction production and management systems by introducing 3D models from the planning, survey, and design stages, and by linking and developing 3D models in the subsequent construction and maintenance stages to facilitate information sharing among the parties involved throughout the entire project. Construction" refers to the "distribution of 3D models in the construction production process.
View More+i-construction is an initiative promoted by the Ministry of Land, Infrastructure, Transport and Tourism to utilize ICT in construction sites. i-construction refers to information and communication technology, and aims to spread information technology such as computers and networks to construction sites. construction includes new standards that are based on the use of information technology.
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